Monday, December 27, 2010

The First Anniversary Giveaway Winner Is...

Hello my festive followers, hope you all had an amazing Christmas weekend with your family & friends and that you were all blessed with what you wished for. Before I announce the winner I want to explain how the selection was made this time around. As you know the last contest winners have always been determined by selecting a random name out of a bowl and such because the contestants have always been under thirty entries and even though the entries weren't a lot either this time I thought I would try something new. Seeing everyone uses  I headed over to the site to see how it works and I noticed it's a paid service so I skipped it but I found another online link that helps you randomly pick names & numbers free of charge so that's what I used which is  I know it sounds weird but hey a widget which psychically can pick a winner sounded like fun to me and by the way it was totally random so it does the job. You can find it the generator on the site by looking under the resources tabs. Here are the contestant names below as I entered them in no particular order:
Dahl*Ria* Billi *Funny Face Beauty* Makeup by Ansa*Anna Italian Beauty Blog*Agnes Beauty Vibes* Silverstar Girl *EeclectoCutee *Mezzaluna *Suger Girl *Pelin Style*Aisyah De Cullen 
 And the winner randomly picked by the site is drum roll....

1. Anna Italian Beauty Blog
Randomized list generated Dec 26 2010 at 12:41:30 by 
Free educational resources for parapsychology, psychical research & mind magic.

Anna, it's your luck to win again! Congrats and I'll email you to confirm your address. To everyone else that entered thanks for your support and don't be discouraged because I'm planning a mega giveaway for my one hundred blogger contest, some of the items have not arrived in the mail yet so that's the reason for the delay. A little hint hint on the prizes-treats for your eyes, face and cosmetic tools. It's my biggest one yet!Stay beautiful! XOXO

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