Sunday, December 19, 2010

On the Ninth Day of Christmas

This is about when I start to panic and realize how many other people still need presents. It’s when I try and think of some creative and fun present that the recipient will appreciate, and not just re-gift!

As I was out playing Santa’s elf yesterday, I saw some fun little last-minute gifts that would be perfect. At Halcyon House, they had the most fun salt and pepper shakers in super clever iterations.  Naturally, I gravitated to these two pigs, who were just posing for the camera. 12-19 013 I adored this dolphin, which reminded me of an etching on some fabulous silver I just acquired. 12-19 014 Here’s the etching on the knife blade. I’ll show you this silver soon, it’s KILLER!12-15 010 The area where Halcyon House is located is in the middle of hunt country and fox hunting takes place on the farms areound the Green Spring Valley. Having said that, these little foxes are everywhere. My mother even has them in her garden. 12-19 018 I loved this salmon… its head was popping up on one place, followed by its tail a bit away.12-19 020 I stopped by Floral Studio, owned by Shawn, a college friend of mine. She’s the one who made the incredible carnation balls, here.  I saw this terrific crocodile, with a watch in its mouth. It reminded me of Peter Pan, when the crocodile swallows a clock and Captain Hook can hear it coming after him.12-19 021 I loved these felted cut-work stockings. Very Scandinavian.

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Shawn also had a lot of ranunculus, one of my favourite flowers. Nothing like a spash of pink to cheer up a chilly winter afternoon.12-19 025 I finally got my wreath this morning at the last Farmers’ Market of 2010. It’s huge! And it’s magnolia leaves which I love, love, love. I didn’t think that the wreath needed any additional decoration, but I did dust some of the leaves with gold paint. 12-19 029 How about you? Are you ready yet?

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