Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Wishful Holiday Thought


Today I forgo my usual post to wish you all some holiday cheer  in whatever you may celebrate during this holiday season. Okay so I went a little overboard with the graphics, hehehe but it's the one time of year when we all should drop the sour puss (it would be nice on a daily basis as well) and bask in the joy of the season and not because of gifts-although gifts are nice-but just for the sheer joy of being alive even if we feel at times a miserable existence and believe me misery is a common thread that connects us all as no single human being is immune to it. It's been  my pleasure to discuss fashion, beauty and other frivolities with all of you during this past year knowing these are just surface material things as I know there's no real significance behind them. And although it's been a trying emotional year of loss and other issues for me I always tried to keep that part of my life separate from my blog as I will continue to do so because sometimes there's a place and time for everything and in my opinion it's just not here for me. What I'm trying to get at in my usual long driven way is that having read everyone's blog I see we all have experienced some real downers, problems and upsets  this past year putting us all in the same boat. So I want everyone to just breathe a sigh of relief and tell yourself how great it is to be alive & healthy because as depressing as it might seem there are those who suffer even greater atrocity's every day in general. I wish everyone all the best in the following year ( OMG! another year passed already!-time fly's way too fast! ) and have yourselves the best holiday with your family,friends and loved ones. I'm so glad to have met some wonderful people, have gotten more members and subscribers and for that I thank you all for the support. I will be back to my usual petty crazed beauty posts sometime next week. Also don't forget there's still time to enter my contest which ends tomorrow night which I will announce the winner upon my return. I'm still planning that 100 Blog Member Giveaway which is something else to look forward to. Forgive me if I haven't stopped by all my member's blog's because I'm so busy  but I'll try to get a chance later on to do so. Stay beautiful! XOXO

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