Saturday, January 1, 2011

Design Resolutions

The local paper asked some of my design/decorator friends to talk about their new year’s resolutions and I thought I’d share some with you.

"Take advantage of the incredible deals available out there in the antiques marketplace. In the past couple of years, antique furniture and collectables have gone down drastically in price, and now is the best time to acquire pieces with some age, patina and great craftsmanship (dovetailed drawers, no plywood or particle board!). I'm going to snap up as many great bargains in wonderful old, unique instant heirlooms as I can."
— David Wiesand, gentleman, furniture designer and craftsman, McLain Wiesand

01-27 008 If you know David, you know this is something he’s already doing. This amazing Victorian velvet sofa was snapped by one of the participants in the Spring Tour de Baltimore.

"Throw out all the New Age whoop-de-do — the green teak and the 'midcentury' leftovers, and go back to the basic rules of design — every room should have two things: a red anything and a bottle tucked away behind the curtains." 
                                                   — Deborah Gore Dean, president of and GoreDean Home

11-11 010Deb’s classic taste and extraordinary items are showcased in her new store in Baltimore. It shows everything off to perfection. One of my favourite things this Christmas season was a Frasier Fir candle from Thymes, that I picked up at Gore Dean. It smells like I’ve got a huge Christmas tree in the house!

"Try to teach clients who previously were a bit more trendy and spontaneous to design for the long term, even more so now because of the recession. Longevity in both quality and design will stand the test of time. I would rather my clients spend wisely on fewer quality items that they will carry with them from house to house than purchase a ton of stuff that will be dated in two to three years." 
                                                                               — Erin P. Pitts,
Erin Paige Pitts Interiors, Gibson Island


Fellow blogger Erin Paige Pitts couldn’t be more spot on in her way of thinking. The things that will stand the test of time are already classic. Style is long, trends are short.

What are your 2011 design resolutions?

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