Saturday, January 8, 2011

Starting FIVE!

Today is the start of my fifth year of blogging.

When I started on January 8, 2007, I needed a distraction, and I wanted to keep my writing and photography skills fresh. Over the past four years, blogging has been more than I could have ever imagined and has brought me so much more than I would ever have guessed.

Over the past year, I have had several opportunities that wouldn’t have happened without my blog. I was interviewed by Elle Decor on a story about Baltimore. -ElleDecor-MarchCover.jpg- Through Pigtown*Design, a reporter and photographer from the Baltimore Sun accompanied me on a July morning of yard sale hunting. It was lots of fun, but the day we went was 102* and we were all wilting. Sun 1 In September, The Nate Berkus Show contacted me to appear on the show! They came down to Baltimore and filmed for a day, and then I went up to film a 13-minute segment at the studio. You can see me below with the cameraman, sound guy and producer. Nelle at Stone Hill Farm5[2] I have had the opportunity to meet some of the most wonderful people, some of them bloggers, and some readers, and it’s been such a rewarding experience each time.   stone hill scott and megAll of my thanks go to you, my readers, who makes this all worthwhile for me. I love your comments, the dialogue we have, your opinions, your insights and your support.

I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for me! C’mon along for the fun!

As always, thank you so much for reading Pigtown*Design!

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