Friday, May 19, 2006

Questions and Types of Christ

One of the criticisms I've heard of "Western" theology is that they don't incorporate the wide range of OT pre-figurings of Christ and His work, but limit themselves to a few. I was wondering if you would all help me compile a list of all of them and how they show Christ. Before I begin, two quick questions:
  1. Was it the blood of the sacrifices that covered the sins of the people, or was that more like an OT sacrament, participating in the redemptive act of Jesus?
  2. If Christ paid for our sin-debt, to whom was the payment made? God? The enemy?
  3. If the Church is the Bride of Christ, but the wedding feast is still to come, does that mean we are still betrothed, or are we already married?
Here is my list so far:
  • The serpent shall bite His heel, and He shall crush his head.
  • Blood sacrifice from Abel to the temple. (Hbr 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.)
  • Noah's ark (more an image of the Church, I guess)
  • The Exodus from Egypt - rescue from bondage to sin
  • The serpent on the staff - healing
  • Manna - Eucharist
  • The scapegoat - placing sins on another victim
  • The mercy seat - covering sins
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Thanks for whatever assistance you can render.

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