Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I saw Judas Iscariot carrying John Wilkes Booth ...
- Down There by the Train by Johnny Cash

Judas the slave and knave,
the disciple and traitor,
the friend and fiend,
was proved by his deeds;
for, as he followed the Master,
within himself he contemplated His betrayal.
Truly Judas is descended from those vipers
who ate manna in the wilderness
yet murmured against Him who nourished them.
For while the food was still in their mouths,
those ungrateful men reviled God.
So too this godless man,
while still bearing in his mouth the heavenly bread,
contrived the betrayal of the Savior.
What greedy purpose!
What inhuman insolense!
He sells Him who nourished him.
He delivers to death the Master whom he loved.
Truely this lawless man is their son.
With them will he inherit perdition.
Spare our souls of such inhumanity,
O only Lord of boundless mercy.

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