Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Packing it All In

Why is it that when we're about to go on a trip and I think about packing me and the kids, everything in our drawers and closets suddenly just won't do? All of those t-shirts and shoes and shorts and dresses worked fine this week at home, didn't they? Didn't we have a variety of activities between laundry days when we looked presentable, and wore clean underwear and socks without holes in them?
Then why can't I find more than one decent set of pajamas in my son's top drawer, and does my daughter really only have two pairs of shorts that still fit?
Maybe when we're on vacation , we want to present a better turned-out self than we do schlubbing around the grocery store at home. Or perhaps when we are contemplating a week of outfits, we finally do the math and realize that we're down to four t-shirts that fit right, aren't stained, and go with the pants in our wardrobe. Time to do some shopping!

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