Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Time for a Room Overhaul?

I'm not sure what it is about kids' rooms that make them look tired at a much faster rate than other rooms in the house. It could be the mega wear-and-tear they endure. It could be the fact that they hold more stuff than any other room, save the garage. It could be that the kids are growing and maturing and what was cute or fun or cool six months ago simply isn't now.

While looking to replace some exhausted furniture in my daughter's room, I came across a great company that does kids' furniture right.
NotNeutral got into the kids' furniture biz fifteen years ago when they designed the space and furnishings for the Warner Brothers' daycare center. Now they have a line of furniture for kid and adult spaces that fulfills all of my criteria for what works in the home:

1) Modern, clean design that is kid-friendly but not cutesy.
2) Design that works from one kid-stage to the next. This stuff will work from preschool to high school.
3) Moderate prices.
4) High-quality materials and construction.

We're starting with a few bedroom basics here at Juvie, and will be adding more from their lines as we go (and especially if we get customer requests!). Tell us what you think!

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