Tuesday, June 26, 2007

In Praise of Mary

I thought I would take a crack at a hymn of praise to Mary, highlighting the Old Testament imagery which points to her:
Hail, fleece of Gideon, soaked with dew though the ground was dry.
Hail, bush of Moses, that burned but was not consumed.
Hail, rod of Aaron, that blossomed though without root.
Hail, gate of Ezekiel, closed after the King had entered.
Hail, tongs of Isaiah, which hold the Fire of Heaven
Hail, ladder of Jacob, by which God descended as Man
Hail, mountain of Daniel, from which Christ was cut by the Hand of God
Hail, Ark of the Covenant, who bore the Law of God and Bread of Heaven.
Hail, Holy of Holies, in whom the Presence of God dwelt
We hail thee, maid and mother, bearer and borne,
Pray for us.
There are many hymns which use these images in praise of Mary. I found another one recently from the 13th c.:

Latin lyrics English translation

Gedeonis area
celitus perfusa rore;
flamma rubus ignea
radiat absque calore.
nucleus et nuclea
testa prodit lutea,
lux aurea!
Granum exit palea,
oleastris olea,
liquetur petra liquore.
- Philippe le Chancelier

Gideon's courtyard
is wet with dew from heaven;
the bush, with fiery flame
radiates without heat.
The fruit and seed
come forth from the shell;
as a golden light!
Grain comes forth from the chaff,
the olive from the olive tree,
the rock is made liquid from liquid.
- Philip the Chancellor

Here is another translation of the same hymn:
Gideon's threshing floor is
dreched with the dew from heaven,
and the flame burning in the bush
shines without heat.
The earthen vessel
brings forth the seed from a seed,
the golden light!
The good grain comes out of the chaff,
the olive from the olive trees,
and the rock flows with water.

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