Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Musical GENIUS!

Juvie's home life has been filled with music lately, and not because the senior Juvie has any talent or ability in that area...

The kids have been singing and playing up a storm, from the recent Spring SCTG play to end-of-year recitals and school concerts.

One thing is for certain: Next year, Juvie will be sure to stock some black skirts and white, collared, long-sleeve shirts for the kids. Recital and concert clothing is something that always slips my mind until it's way too late, forcing a trip to the dreaded mall.

I just adore these concerts, and always have. They reliably make me tear up with pride, and not just for my own brood. I adore how all of the kids' work, and talent, and focus is on display. There aren't any math recitals or social studies presentations; music is one of the few areas where the kids get to actually show off how much progress they've made.

Which makes all that hounding at them to practice worth it.

What? Your kid practices willingly and with a smile? You must tell us your secret...

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