Monday, March 29, 2010

April Food Day – Won’t You Help?

We’re getting ready for April Food Day 2010, and in anticipation, I set up a special gmail account, and sent out about 240 e-mails asking fellow bloggers and other friends to blog about it, or tweet, facebook or e-mail about it. Of the e-mails I sent more than 160 were returned! Apparently, if you have a new account, you can’t send more than one e-mail at a time, and you certainly can’t add an attachment!

After several hours of screeching frustration, and then finding out that the gmail account changed all the settings for my blogs, I deleted it. What I had wanted to do was this:

  • send a reminder to everyone to post about April Food Day on April 1
  • give everyone the specific April Food Day link for Feeding America, so donations can be tracked
  • give everyone the logo for April Food Day 2010
  • ask for your support for this project

April Food Day2010.docA year after we did the first April Food Day, the issue of hunger in America is still as desperate as ever. People you know - your neighbours, your relatives and your friends – are visiting food banks to help make ends meet. People who never in a million years thought they’d have to get food are visiting food banks. And the food banks are more stretched than they’ve ever been.

Chris, the editor of Easy & Elegant Life, and I would really appreciate your support on this project. Last year, we had 150 bloggers post something, and we’d love it if we could double that number this year.

E-mail me here or Chris, here, if you need any further information.  Thanks, in advance, for your help!

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