Monday, March 15, 2010

I Love Clever People

Easy and Elegant Life, my dear friend and the co-founder of April Food Day, sometimes has the most interesting posts by a guest writer with the moniker, “Square with Flair”. The posts are always comprehensive, fascinating and informative. They are a little lesson on esoteric topics that are worth learning more about. tiffanycatalogschestopSquare’s post on Easy & Elegant Life on Tiffany Blue is a case in point. Starting with vintage Tiffany catalogues, moving on to a Tiffany blue leather jacket and Dior sweater, and then to china in the signature blue, it’s a lesson in colour and culture.

Another excellent guest post on E&E was for Yves Saint-Laurent on Valentine’s Day, and was illustrated by some of Square’s fabulous photography. yvesheartbroochportraitIn vain, I always clicked on Square’s profile, hoping that there would be a blog to follow. One chilly winter afternoon, I clicked, and like magic, a blog appeared. It’s called “Square with Flair” and is an excellent place to while away some time.

Square is quiet clever and made a little classical garden pavilion out of bristol board and sharpie markers. pavilcandleshadowsIt’s more fun that anything I’ve seen in a long time and is a treasure. Not only is the garden pavilion a delight, but Square’s photography is warm and charming. pavilcandlepairdrk Please go over and visit my new friend, Square with Flair, and say that Easy and I sent you.

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