Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What a Day!

Have you ever had one of those days when completely unexpected things happen, but everything falls into place seamlessly? That was my day, today.

Fellow blogger, historic house maven and friend, JCB and I were scheduled to attend the Evergreen lecture this evening, but when I found out that she was going to be spending the afternoon museum-hopping, I decided to take the afternoon off from work and join her. JCB and I agreed to meet at Gertrude’s restaurant at the Baltimore Museum of Art, have lunch and see the Cézanne exhibit there and then head up to Evergreen.BMA 002Little did I know that there was someone else there waiting for me. Someone I know, but have never met. Someone I’ve laughed and joked with, but have never spoken to. Someone who made a lovely donation to Woodbourne, and whom I thanked, but did not know it was them. Someone who I was supposed to be meeting today at the place and time where I was, but I didn’t know it.BMA 010

As I glanced across the hall at the BMA, I saw a pair of ‘go to hell’ trousers that I’d seen on a blog that morning, recognized a fondness for monkstrap shoes, caught the twinkling eye I’d spotted in numerous photographs. As I went up to introduce myself, there was a second of not knowing, then warmth and welcoming… of course you’re here, we told you we’d be here. What? No, I am with JCB…

Didn’t you get our e-mail saying we’d be here and to come join us? No, I am here with JCB…

Then why are you here, now? Because I am supposed to be here…BMA 013

A case of e-mails not received, invitations missed, but ending up in the exact right spot, at the exact right moment, at the exact right place to have a wonderful long lunch with two new friends, one old one, and lots and lots of laughter and love. Thanks, Dusty and friend. I am so glad the karmic vibes came across time and space and landed me right where I was supposed to be! BMA 014What a great day!

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