Sunday, March 28, 2010

What Goes Around…

I believe firmly in the theory of “what goes around, comes around” or “play it forward”, so when I had excellent luck at the Book Thing this weekend, I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew what had brought my good fortune.

As I was driving back into Baltimore, the old Mark Knopfler tune, “Quality Shoe” came on my ipod. As I listened to the lines, “… You don't want no stand-by pair, 'Cos these'll take the wear and tear. Made to take good care of you.  For that trip by road or rail, For extra grip on those rocky trails, You're gonna need a quality shoe…”  images from my new friend Dusty’s blog, Maxminimus, came into my mind. By the time I arrived back home, I knew I wanted to make a little video for him. Seriously, the man has more shoes than almost any woman I know!  Take a look at the video… I am pretty happy with the synch of the pictures and lyrics.

So when I was at the Book Thing today, and started spotting treasures right and left, I thought that I might be getting back some of the good karma for making the video.

First up, a book I’ve been wanting to add to my collection for a while now. In fact, I wrote about the subject the first year of my blog, and even included a picture of the cover of this book. Book Ting 006 Regardless of what you think of the Duchess of Windsor, she was very influential in her lifetime, and since she’s a Baltimore gal, she’s even more interesting to me.

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I must have gotten to Book Thing just after a devoted Royalist dropped off a cache of books, because I also found “Royalty in Vogue” a collection of pictures from the pages of Vogue magazine. Most of the royals pictured are from the British royal family, but there are a few other of the older European houses as well.  Some of the images are really quite lovely, including those of Princess Anne and Princess Margaret.

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Also in the haul was “The Story of the Royal Family” with a foreword by the Earl of Litchfield. Loads and loads of pictures, and the history of the family through the 20th century.Book Ting 002 Finally, the grandmother of them all, the late Queen Mother. Her long life spanned one of the most amazing periods in time, covering two world wars, the abdication of her brother-in-law, the sudden death of her grand-daughter-in-law and much more. She was a feisty old gal, and apparently quite funny!

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Speaking of things coming and going around, we did spend a part of the weekend at a less highbrow pursuit – the local Charm City Roller Girls semi-finals!  Yes, this is the old roller derby that you remember, and it’s quite a lot of fun. More than 1200 people of all ages showed up to cheer the girls on! It’s a very family-friendly event as evidenced by the 6:00 p.m. start. Derby Girlz 003

I hope that you had a great weekend, too!

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