Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thank You So Much!

Well, it looks like the Second Annual April Food Day was a success in terms of participation, exposure and hopefully money. We won’t find out about the amount raised until the beginning of next week, in order to allow time for everyone to make a donation.
We had blogs as divergent as the Independent UK’s Weekly Gastronomy Agenda to the St. Barnard Parish, LA’s Community Center, participating. In addition, I saw it all over Facebook and it was Tweeted and reTweeted all day long. Feeding America even added it to their blog!
Here’s a list of the blogs we know who posted. If you’re not listed, please put your link in the comments and we will add you to this list and to the list on the April Food Day site.
Chris Cox and I thank you all most sincerely. Together, we can all make a difference!

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