Thursday, September 8, 2011

Listening to God in Brazil: Graeme Byer

Through the trip, one of my top goals was to get better at following God’s lead, and to spend more time listening to him. Sometimes this involved really easy things like helping out where it was needed, and sometimes it was a little trickier. For example, in the second week when we were doing presentations in the schools, my turn came to give my testimony. I had prepared one beforehand, but just a few minutes before I was to speak, I felt God saying that what I had written wasn’t what the students needed to hear. Instead he pointed me to a verse in Zechariah 4:6, which reads “not by power or by might, but by my spirit, says the Lord”. I decided to trust God, and when my turn came I went to the front with only a very vague idea of what I was going to say, which was a little bit nerve-wracking. As I started to speak however, I found that words came as they were needed. I know that I couldn’t have done this on my own, and that without God, I’d have been helpless.

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