Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Journey Home-My Hype Love Headphones

it's here! it's here! my tracker skills pay off
pretty splatter paint rainbow design- squeeeeeee!

The best gift I received  for Christmas this year was a pair of thrifty headphones I purchased for myself. Well, okay that and maybe my Red Wii & Wii Fit Plus with balance board. But how I managed to snag these babies is the real fun part. Not many people know my hidden skill but behold for I will reveal this to you my fellow bloggies. It's the true calling I really missed in  life *Mergers & Acquisitions*  That's right lovelies, I can hunt down (notice how I say hunt not find) anything anywhere. If there is one last item whether it be clothing,accessories,books (I've yet to test my skill in people hunting) sitting on a shelf of a God forsaken warehouse somewhere whether in Taiwan or the Antarctic I will find it! So I saw these adorable speaker headphones from Hype in the local Bed Bath & Beyond mailer in the Sunday paper for $19.99 and thought awesome must have them because some brands sell for $75 plus my old iTunes headphones are shot to heck. Not that they were any good when they were new. $300 for an iTune MP3 player and they can't make a decent set of plug in headphones to go with it, what a waste. Anyway, the item slipped my mind and when I got around to shopping for them they were sold out. Of course they were, only crazy people would pass up on an offer this good for this cute vintage rainbow heart splatter design especially during the last week of holiday shopping. By the way, being a child of the eighties made me had to have them even more TOTALLY! I use to sport that rainbow heart design on all my notebooks back in the day making me lust for them even more. Frantically racing online to get a pair,guess what I discover SOLD OUT. But did I panic...nooooo! Well maybe a smidgen. That's when I decided to put my nose to the grindstone calling up the company  headquarters of which the consumer reps were totally useless and so were the emails sent to me from the customer service department stating that there were absolutely none left at all in stock because the computer system told them so and the computers I quote "Are never wrong". HA! I scoffed silently under my breath, these corporate blockheads don't know who there up against :) So I got a listing of every BB&B store within a hundred mile radius and a few out of state numbers as well finally managing to track down the last one! Sorry  Miss, our computer system says there are no more left in stock... hehehe Silly computers might overrun the world but there still dumb machines without any of the track & hunt senses of a wolf which fortunately I have. But wait the story doesn't end there... The sales lady on the phone informed me there was a $35 ship fee making my heart sink a bit. All this trouble in finding the last pair and now this. So I said no thanks and hung up. Immediately a light bulb went off and I called my local BB&B and asked them if they could do a transfer request form one store to the next,I worked plenty retail when doing internships so I know the lingo and the manager was nice enough to call the store for me and ask them to ship it out to them. All I had to do was sit back and wait a week for my order to come in and pick it up.  Guess what? The very next day the phone rang and the manager said my Hype Stereo Love have arrived. Woo! In my excitement I  ran straight for the door to pick them up. Well not really, I'm just being theatrical. First I showered, had breakfast, fed the pets, blah blah blah etc, etc, etc. making it around 6pm when finally getting to the store but the point of this whole debacle was that I Got Them. Oh, and my aunt gave me a $5 card which expired two years earlier but she informed me they take it regardless and they did. What would we do if no old people saved coupons for us. In the end I only paid like $16 with tax. I got mad skillzzz! Now you guys know my secret. Whats your fave gift received this year?  Stay beautiful! XOXO
Availability:Just found them on the website clearance $4.99! I'm getting another pair woo!You guys interested?  Hurry and grab one XOXO

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