Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year’s Eve Dinner

If you ever read my now-defunct food blog, you might know that my two best friends in the ‘hood, Cat and Dog, are chefs!  And their dog, Halas, is Connor’s best friend, too.

I had a gorgeous dinner at their house this evening and then headed home to sedate Connor for the fireworks at the Harbour. He hates all loud bangs, fireworks, thunder, guns, etc.

NYE dinner2So, here’s what was on the menu, from the bottom and going clockwise:

* Braised/roasted onions… amazingly sweet and mild. 
* Proscuitto wrapped around mango. Just a twist on the old standard, with an onion, mint marmalade.
* Hummus, carrots and crackers
* A blue goat cheese, a brie, mango, mozzarella and two types of Italian sausages 
* Sushi

My contribution was lemon curd and raspberry jam in phyllo tarts.

For drinks, we had prosecco with kumquats. Fabulous! Did you know that you can just pop a kumquat into your mouth and eat it? I didn’t!NYE dinner Happy New Year to Everyone, and thanks to Cat & Dog for another fine and fun evening!

Photos by the incredible Chef Cat!

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