Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Huffington Post blasts ‘pointless’ Vanity Fair story on lawsuit

The Vanity Fair story, written by William D. Cohan, centers around allegations made by consultants Peter Daou and James Boyce that they were instrumental in creating the idea for the Huffington Post based on a website proposal they came up with at the time. In the November lawsuit, the two men describe conversations and email exchanges with site co-founders Arianna Huffington and Ken Lerer beginning in late 2004. The Huffington Post quickly dismissed the claims as coming from a "Bizarro World" and questioned why the two consultants—who continued working in Democratic circles and, in Boyce's case, kept writing for the site until a few months ago—waited six years to say they created the site. (The men now say that they didn't want to get in a dispute with The Huffington Post while working for major Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton.)

Full Story Here

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