Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Juvie's Sleepless Nights

You may have noticed that the "Mother Tongue" section of this website hasn't been updated lately. That's because the column was dropped, along with the entire Family Page, from the Ventura County Star. The whole thing was quite unceremonious (as in, they didn't bother to tell me), and frankly, the experience has put me off newspaper publishing.

But hey, that's alright. A large, well-respected Hollywood production company is launching a hip parenting website this summer, and I hope to be on board as a contributing writer. I could go on and on about old v. new media at this point, but I won't. Suffice it to say that as my shop is online, my daily reading material is online, and my research materials are online, my writing should be online too.

Which brings us to the Juvieshop blog! This old juvie++ has had a few sleepless nights lately, and at 2 a.m., one's mind turns to what one could possibly be doing other than trying to fall asleep. Blogging seemed like an attractive option. The next morning, it still did. The shop needs a blog, not only for news and updates on all things Juvie, but for all things Ages 7-14 (Maybe the first order of business will be a contest to come up with a replacement for that twee word, "tween.").

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