Monday, April 30, 2007

Robots are the new skulls

There aren't many trends that become as ubiquitous as the skull did. It's still going strong for both boys and girls apparel and accessories, I have to tell you. We order much of our clothing three to seven months in advance, and from what I've previewed, I can assure you that there will still be skulls out and about in '08.

But here at Juvie? We're over it. The trend we're digging on is ROBOTS!

Loungefly has some super cute girl's accessories:

Loungefly Robot Bobby Pins

And this little guy is awfully fun to have on your desk:

And we can't wait until we get our order from Spitfire girl, who are doing custom T-shirts for boys and girls just for Juvie. Here's what the robot looks like on a baby onesie; ours will be on straight up 100% cotton t-shirts.

Stay tuned to this blog or for their arrival!

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