Monday, May 7, 2007

What Would Childhood Be Without Sleepovers?

How fun are sleepovers? Actually, let me re-phrase that...
How fun are sleepovers for the kids?
While the day after may not be such a breeze due to the lack of actual sleeping that takes place, there's something pretty awesome about spending hours in the dark with your best buddies, sprawled out in a big nest on the rumpus room floor, giggling the night away.
Who snores? Who was the first one to sleep? Did she get a Sharpie Moustache?

This might be a slightly nicer adornment. Before everyone "settles down," it's always fun to play a game or two, or do a project together. We dig these all natural henna tatoos, based on the ancient Indian art of Mendhi. One kit will do at least 20 tattoos, more than enough for your crowd.
Is your child the angelic one who falls asleep before a groggy Mom has to beg and plead for everyone to ...JUST BE QUIET? Then he deserves this glow-in-the-dark halo pillowcase from Atypyk.
Snazzy jammies never hurt either. Claesen's (from Holland) has fun prints in scrumptiously soft cotton. Boys' are in stock now; girls' are arriving this week.

And for Mom and Dad? We don't sell earplugs, sorry. You'll just have to ride this rollercoaster 'til dawn.

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