Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring House Tours

In the past two days, I’ve received information about the Maryland House & Garden Tour, an annual event from several sources. This year, a number of the houses featured are in the Baltimore neighbourhood of Guilford, about which I wrote here and here. Guilford

As the brochure says:

Guilford's history dates back more than 200 years. Originally comprised of 10 patents granted to British citizens from the mid-1600s through the 1700s, the area was valued for its "gentleswells, which afford many beautiful views of the city and bay." The entire area was sold in 1780 as confiscated British property to Revolutionary War veteran General William McDonald. General McDonald gave Guilford its name and began the tradition of celebrated architecture still evident today. The land that is Sherwood Gardens today included a small and beautiful lake with foot bridges and winding paths graced with shrubs and statuary. In the mid-1800s, a buffalo was seen strolling the grounds with a herd of deer, much to the delight and surprise of passersby. Then as today, architectural and natural beauty were equally valued.

Guilford2 The tour will be held on April 25th, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and will be a brilliant opportunity to see the interiors and gardens of about a dozen of Baltimore’s most spectacular private houses. Guilford3

Information on the tour is here. I am sure that there are house and garden tours in your area, too!

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