Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I’ll Take This… Woodside Castle, Scotland

The thing about a massive old castle is that it’s hellish in the winter. Those thick stone walls just hold in the cold and damp. Trust me. I know this from the experience of working in a 12th century castle on the south coast of Wales. Woodside Castle 4 But Woodside Castle, now for sale for £1,950,000 in Scotland, is a nice manageable size. Yes, it’s got 10+ bedrooms and six baths. Woodside Castle 1It’s also got a dungeon, but what self-respecting castle doesn’t?Woodside Castle 2It was built in the 1500’s, but “modernized” in the 1890’s, so it’s pretty up-to-date. Best of all, it’s pretty close to Glasgow, not out in the wilds of Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides.  Woodside Castle 3You can check further details here.

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