Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Top 15 Questions That SHOULD Have Been on the U.S. Census Survey

15. How many degrees of separation are you from Kevin Bacon?
14. In what state do you currently reside?
[ ] Denial
[ ] Shock
[ ] Panic
[ ] Mentally Unfit
[ ] California
[ ] Other
13. Doesn't Michelle Obama look fabulous?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
12. Do you watch "Keeping Up With the Kardashians"?
If yes, for God's sake, WHY?
11. [ ] Deal
[ ] No Deal
10. Did you detect the microscopic tracking device and video transmitter that embedded itself into your skin while you opened this envelope?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
9. Have you slept with:
[ ] Tiger Woods
[ ] Jesse James
8. [ ] Boxers
[ ] Briefs
[ ] Codpiece
7. Look! A cloud! What do you see?
[ ] A bunny
[ ] A horsey
[ ] Naked people "doing it"
[ ] The end of civilization, the collapse of society, and the final blood-soaked judgment of God unless we repeal health care reform
6. Ricky Martin is gay (check all that apply):
[ ] Duh
5. How many of states have you visited?
[ ] 1-10
[ ] 11-25
[ ] 26-50
[ ] All 57
4. Choose one:
[ ] I support the Obama administration
[ ] I'd like my taxes doubled, my guns taken away, and my Fox News cable signal scrambled.
3. Should marijuana be legalized?
[ ] No way
[ ] WAY, dude!
2. Do you feel that bailing out big businesses with billions of taxpayer dollars while the taxpayers themselves struggle to make ends meet was a poor choice?
[ ] Yes
[ ] I'm an idiot
and Topfive.com's Number 1 Question That SHOULD Have Been on the U.S. Census Survey...
1. If you checked "Negro" for race and were born after 1960, WTF?

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